The aftermath of the destruction at the P District Safe House has Steve heading to the infirmary and Julie taking over command on the scene. Chris and Justin have their meet with Emma only to...
Justin is working on cracking the X-Drive while Chris is giving him a hard time. Emma and Rene run different ops. Captain Daphne Fox updates the DOR Guard Roster and sends Team 352 to locate...
The Reed Brothers, Justin and Chris are on a mission! Emma and Rene have an argument. Erick and Jasmine discuss a potential move to a different colony. “Hostage” by Justin Gaudreault “Erick’s Theme” by...
Team 352, led by Commander Steve Armstrong and flanked by Staff Sergeant Julie Burns set out to capture an insurgent cell in the T District of Gog Colony. Emma and Rene Logan, two insurgents in...
The Extinction Level Event of 2030 destroyed over three billion lives but corporations arose from the ashes to save humanity. Gog, the most powerful of the corporation rules from their stronghold of Gog Colony. They...
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